SliderMini ultra-portable motorized camera slider can fit in a pocket

SliderMini ultra-portable motorized camera slider can fit in a pocket

An Indiegogo campaign is seeking funds for SliderMini, an 'ultra-portable and smooth' motorized camera slider that's small enough to fit in a pocket. SliderMini features a lightweight unibody and can support capacities up to 14.

9kg (33lbs), offering operators access to three different shooting modes: timelapse, stop motion, and video.

SliderMini is 2cm (0. 79in) thick with a weight of 0. 56kg (1. 2lbs) and travel length of 20cm (8in). The device features a fully enclosed CNC machined aluminum unibody design and can be controlled using either a hardware button on the unit or the companion mobile app. The Android and iOS apps include 10 timelapse presets, customization options, and more.

Smartta, the company behind the product, says SliderMini features two advanced functions: Silent Mode, which disables the device's default beep alert, and Loop Mode, which prompts the sliders to continuously move back and forth until manually stopped.

The company has fully funded its Indiegogo campaign in which backers are offered a single SliderMini unit in exchange for pledges of $399 USD. In its most recent update on the campaign, Smartta said it has started shipping products to backers.

Disclaimer: Remember to do your research with any crowdfunding project. DPReview does its best to share only the projects that look legitimate and come from reliable creators, but as with any crowdfunded campaign, there’s always the risk of the product or service never coming to fruition.


slidermini campaign its features which

2019-8-9 21:04