Intro 2020 has launched its Slik Lite series, a line of tripods that feature a built-in removable LED light. The series is comprised of five models, three made of aluminum and two made of 8-layer carbon fiber.
According to Intro 2020, all five models can be compactly stored and transported thanks to Rapid Flip Mechanism locks for inverting the tripod’s legs 180-degrees.
The Slik Lite series tripods all feature rubber feet and a ball and socket head. The aluminum models, which include the AL-420, AL-420M, and AL-20S, feature lever-locking four-section legs. The CR-422 carbon fiber model, meanwhile, has four-section twist-locking legs, while the CF-522 carbon fiber model has five-section twist-locking legs.
The series’ most notable, feature, however, is the removable LED light powered by two AAA batteries built into the bottom of the center column. The LED light aids in viewing camera bag gear in low light and dark settings, and can also double as a flashlight when needed.
All five models are available now from Intro 2020 in the UK and SlikUSA for the following prices:
Slik Lite AL-420S tripod:
Slik Lite AL-420M tripod:
Slik Lite AL-420 tripod:
Slik Lite CF-422 carbon fibre tripod:
Slik Lite CF-522 carbon fibre tripod:
2016-12-2 23:00