Apple officially released iOS 12 to the public on September 17 and reports from users are rolling in. According to a post on Reddit's Apple subreddit, some iPhone X users are less than happy with the new operating system, after experiencing decreased display contrast levels, slightly desaturated colors, overexposed black regions, and more.
The post, made by user "shannister", claims the display changes appeared after updating to iOS 12. "Experiencing a slightly washed out screen, colours popping less and blacks appearing more greyed out," the post states. Several other users report similar experiences,
One poster going by the name "RandomUser9785" states, "The OLED panel on the iPhone X had such wonderful colours and contrast on iOS 11. After the iOS 12 update, the colours and the contrast have been ruined on my iPhone X. "
An ongoing thread on the MacRumors forum contains dozens of reports and complaints following the public iOS 12 release.
Some users report the Accessibility contrast feature being enabled automatically after updating, requiring them to manually disable it. This doesn't eliminate the problem, however, according to at least one user who says toggling the setting wasn't effective. The issue is reportedly present on both the iOS 12 interface and within apps.
This isn't the first mention of washed out colors in iOS 12. Earlier this summer, iPhone X users reported issues with colors and contrast while using the beta version of the software. An ongoing thread on the MacRumors forum contains dozens of reports and complaints following the public iOS 12 release.
We've updated our iPhone X here at DPReview and while we haven't carried out any controlled tests, we haven't noticed any significant changes to screen experience in iOS 12. Apple has yet to comment on the issue, but if you're experiencing washed our or subdued colors on your iPhone, let us know.
Via: Reddit
. dpreview.com2018-9-22 15:00