Stunning Documentary Shows the Birth of a Volcano in Iceland

Photographer Mike Mezeul II has captured an incredible set of photos and a 3. 5-minute video documentary that shows the size, scale, and majesty of Iceland’s Fagradalsfjall volcano, which has grown dramatically in size since its appearance in March.

After being dormant for nearly 6,000 years, the Fagradalsfjall volcano in Iceland began erupting on March 19. […].

iceland volcano

2021-4-16 20:24

iceland volcano → Результатов: 5 / iceland volcano - фото

Drone Footage Shot Over Iceland’s Erupting Volcano is Incredible

While up-close photos taken of Iceland’s erupting volcano are impressive, some footage captured by a drone is equally stunning. This fissure, named Geldingadalsgos, marks the first time that the volcano Fagradalsfjall has been active in 800 years, but luckily it has been expected for a couple of weeks and there have been no injuries reported. […] »

2021-03-22 22:25