18-year-old Vijay Suddala created a stunning composite image of the moon from his home in southern India with just a $150 telescope and his smartphone. [Read More]
petapixel.com2022-6-21 18:33
18-year-old Vijay Suddala created a stunning composite image of the moon from his home in southern India with just a $150 telescope and his smartphone. [Read More]
A teen photographer shot a stunning series of stunning portraits of her friends on a 100-year-old camera.
[Read More]
petapixel.com »2024-02-21 21:21
A 17-year-old photographer has created a viral photo sensation by transforming his tiny 3-year-old brother into the creepy clown from Stephen King’s classic horror tale It. Eagan Tilghman of Mississippi did the creative photo shoot with his brother Louie. petapixel.com »
2017-09-11 20:00