The Polaroid Land Camera is 75 Years Old

Without fail, every single time I've pulled my Polaroid Land Camera out, people have gotten excited. In the last decade, I bought a beautifully restored Polaroid 185 that was going to be my last and final Polaroid Land Camera after going through a long hunt for a good one.

And this year, I've made it a point to undo the emotional traumas that the discontinuation caused. When the film dried up, photographers hoarded it, but rarely ever shot it. I, on the other hand, have been using all the packs left in my fridge. I mean, the world just ended for so many folks all across the world. They would've regretted not enjoying the experience. And overall, it's been a very cathartic one. .

polaroid camera land

2022-9-20 01:00

polaroid camera → Результатов: 40 / polaroid camera - фото