H&Y has announced the Revoring Filter system and new clip-on filters in what it claims is the first filter product that can attach to lenses of different thread sizes and eliminates filter adapter rings. [Read More]
petapixel.com2022-1-27 19:23
H&Y has announced the Revoring Filter system and new clip-on filters in what it claims is the first filter product that can attach to lenses of different thread sizes and eliminates filter adapter rings. [Read More]
Filter manufacturer H&Y has launched a series of magnetic ND filters that it says are designed to eliminate cross-polarization effects in its 1. 5-10 stop variable ND Revoring when used with wide angle lenses. dpreview.com »
2022-01-26 18:01
H&Y Filters has announced the launch of a new series of Black Mist filters that aim to solve the issue of step-up rings and adapters. The H&Y Revoring series launched last year with a VND + CPL combination filter and has now been expanded with the Black Mist filter. dpreview.com »
2021-08-02 21:57
Every so often, a product comes along and changes the way that we've always done something. That's precisely what the H&Y RevoRing Filter System is trying to do with how photographers use Neutral Density and Circular Polarizing filters. thephoblographer.com »
2020-06-29 19:00
Filter manufacturer H&Y has launched a series of new step-up adapter rings that have variable thread sizes to allow users to fit a single screw-in filter to multiple different sized lenses. dpreview.com »
2020-06-29 17:58