These Double Exposures Inspire an Experimental Twist to Studio Portraits

Once in a while, we photographers can feel stuck or uninspired about what we do, and that includes shooting portraits in the studio. When that happens, trying out a new approach can shake us off our creative stupor.

Experimenting with double exposures is always a good exercise, whether you're shooting with film or a digital camera with this feature. To give you some ideas, you might want to check out the work of Kiev-based graphic designer Victoria Ouarets. .

these double exposures inspire experimental twist studio portraits

2019-8-21 22:00

these double → Результатов: 2 / these double - фото

These Stunning Double Exposure Portraits by Christoffer Relander Were Done in Camera

While double (and even multiple) exposure photography is a technique often left to the experimental world of analog photography, it's still possible to play around with it using digital cameras. Finland-based fine art photographer Christoffer Relander gives us a glimpse of the creative possibilities offered by this technique through his stunning series of double-exposed portraits taken using a Nikon D700. »

2018-08-23 01:00