Leica is celebrating 70 years of the Leica M with the release of a limited edition film camera -- the Leica M Edition 70.
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petapixel.com2024-10-25 23:12
Leica is celebrating 70 years of the Leica M with the release of a limited edition film camera -- the Leica M Edition 70.
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If you've read the reports online, you're probably wondering why Leica would come out with the Leica M6 2022 edition. According to them, there has indeed been a film renaissance, but it's still mostly just a fad. thephoblographer.com »
2022-10-20 16:00
The Leica M6 Sultan of Brunei edition had only 350 made. Right next to his Rolex watch collection, I could totally see rapper Post Malone owning this rare Leica M6. Currently going for $29.995 on eBay, this isn’t your run of the mill Titanium edition. It’s known as the Leica M6 Sultan of Brunei edition. thephoblographer.com »
2020-09-17 01:00
Leica has just unveiled two new products for M-system photographers and collectors with deep pockets. The $13,000 Summilux-M 90mm f/1.5 ASPH lens promises to “set a new benchmark” for portrait photography, while the $15,000 limited edition Leica M10-P “Ghost Edition” camera takes a design cue from faded wristwatches to create a gray and silver version […] petapixel.com »
2019-12-12 20:36
The Leica M10-P “Ghost Edition” pays homage to HODINKEE Founder Ben Clymer’s vintage timepiece in celebration of legacy storytelling. photographyblog.com »
2019-12-12 19:30
The look of the new Leica M Monochrom ‘Drifter’ edition camera has been created by Grammy-winning musician, actor and artist Lenny Kravitz. photographyblog.com »
2019-05-27 18:00
To celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of the Bauhaus school of art and design in Germany, Leica has released a special edition version of its Leica CL camera system, complete with a matching Elmarit-TL 18mm F2. dpreview.com »
2019-05-19 23:39
Leica has announced the launch of a limited edition Leica M10-P Edition 'Safari' camera and accompanying Summicron-M 50mm F2 Edition 'Safari' lens. The launch of the limited edition pieces continues Leica's tradition of olive green camera releases. dpreview.com »
2019-02-01 19:03
The Leica Q ‘Khaki’ is a new special edition camera with khaki-coloured leather trim and classic Leica script. photographyblog.com »
2018-10-10 17:30
Leica designs special cameras and the Leica M Monochrom (which was built to shoot just black & white imagery) is a really special camera. So, you can imagine the levels of exclusivity and anticipation when Leica launched a special edition of the Leica M Monochrom this week called the ‘Stealth Edition’ – a release that has really got people talking. digitalrev.com »
2018-03-11 03:00
Leica has just announced a new special edition of the Leica M Monochrom (Typ 246) called the “Stealth Edition. ” If you’re a fan of minimalism and matte black, this may be a look that tickles your fancy. petapixel.com »
2018-03-08 19:26
The Leica M Monochrom (Typ 246) ‘Stealth Edition’ camera has a unique matte black look and glow-in-the-dark accents for added functionality. photographyblog.com »
2018-03-08 19:00
$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_6653943597","galleryId":"6653943597","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"selectedImageIndex":0,"isMobile":false}) }); Leica today unveiled a new "unprecedented" special edition version of its black-and-white sensor camera. dpreview.com »
2018-03-08 18:56
Shattered glass from the break-in. Photo: The Camera Store You could look at the story of the recent robbery at beloved Calgary camera shop The Camera Store as a play in three acts. Act 1: the store is robbed of over $27,000 USD worth of high-end camera equipment. dpreview.com »
2017-12-26 23:54
$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_5189466503","galleryId":"5189466503","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"standalone":false,"selectedImageIndex":0,"startInCommentsView":false,"isMobile":false}) }); Hot on the heels of yesterday's Noctilux-M 75mm F1. dpreview.com »
2017-11-30 19:45
Leica анонсировала новое специальное издание дальномерного фотоаппарата Leica MP (Typ 240) в честь 150-летия Канады. Всего 25 единиц набора Leica MP Canada Edition будет включать камеру со специальной красной кожаной отделкой корпуса, объектив Leica Summicron-M 35mm f/2. mx-camera.ru »
2017-11-09 18:09
Магазин Leica в Осло анонсировал специальное издание Leica M Monochrom (Typ 246). Камера названа в честь города, в котором она анонсирована «Издение Осло». Эта модель продаётся исключительно в магазине Leica, который находится в Осло. photar.ru »
2017-08-28 21:01
The Leica Store in Oslo has announced a special edition Leica M Monochrom (Typ 246) camera simply called the Oslo Edition. This model is offered exclusively by the Leica Store Oslo, and though it is available worldwide, the edition is limited to just 10 units—this might be your best chance to get an ultra-rare Leica at a not-totally-insane price. dpreview.com »
2017-08-28 19:45
Leica has released a limited-edition Leica M Monochrom “Jim Marshall Set”. Jim Marshall was the first and only photographer to receive the Grammy Trustees Award. The edition will be limited to 50 sets worldwide. dpreview.com »
2017-06-09 17:54
If you're a Leica camera fan, then you're bound to understand the mentality behind the new Leica M Monochrom Limited Edition Jim Marshall Set. Certain Leicas, such as the Leica M6, had black paint on them. thephoblographer.com »
2017-06-01 16:53
As if $13,950 wasn’t enough to pay for a special edition lens, the Leica Store in San Francisco is offering a prototype of the Noctilux-M f/0. 95 ASPH ‘Edition 0. 95’ for $24,995. The Edition 0. dpreview.com »
2017-05-25 21:27
Новая полнокадровая Leica Monochrom Meister Edition Berlin была объявлена в честь 10-й годовщины магазина компании в столице Германии. Камера предлагается в наборе с объективом Summilux-M 50mm. Спецификации камеры не имеют отличий от серийной модели Monochrom. Всего выпущено 10 таких комплектов. dphotoworld.net »
2017-01-12 07:12
Новая Leica Q Carbon ограниченным тиражом была представлена в Японии сегодня. Всего будет выпущено только 30 экземпляров данной модели. Характеристики ничем не отличаются от обычной, черной серийной модели. dphotoworld.net »
2016-11-24 06:43
Leica have announced the first-ever special-edition Leica lens in a red anodised finish.
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photographyblog.com »2016-11-15 18:00
Объявлена обновленная в дизайне модель Leica Q Indonesia Edition 2016, выпущенная ограниченным тиражом всего в 45 единиц. Отличительными особенностями камеры являются верхняя панель с выгравированной картой Индонезии и отделка корпуса зеленого цвета. dphotoworld.net »
2016-09-25 08:01