This Video Explains How Light’s Fancy 16-Camera Camera Works

This Video Explains How Light’s Fancy 16-Camera Camera Works

Light—the makers of the 16-module L16 camera that purports to put 52-megapixel DSLR quality in your pocket—get a lot of questions about how exactly their wonder-cam will work. So they made a video that explains it in plain English.

The video shows how, by using multiple cameras to shoot multiple images simultaneously, they are able […].

how video

2016-12-8 01:22

how video → Результатов: 3 / how video - фото

This Retro Video Game Inspired Video Explains How a Digital Camera Works For Dummies

Have you ever had a friend who was new to photography and asked you basic questions about how a camera works? Have you wished that there was a simple dumbed-down, easy to digest explanation video to answer those questions? In the latest "How It Works?" series on The Telegraph's site, they published a short minimalist animation video on the science behind how a digital camera works. »

2016-12-01 23:02