

Film Emulsion Review: Ilford FP4 Plus 125 (35mm and 120)

Since learning about what it could do years ago, I've always had an affinity for Ilford FP4 Plus 125, but also understood that it isn't a jack of all trades type of film. Instead, Ilford FP4 125 is what I'd like to call a film that you'd try to shoot high contrast with, but with the knowledge that the shadows are going to be opened up no matter what.


These 6 35mm Equivalent Lenses Are Great for Portraits

Just because you are shooting on a smaller sensor doesn't mean that you aren't taking portraits. So what if you're wanting to do some environmental portraiture with something like a 35mm equivilent, what lenses should you be looking into as a crop sensor shooter? Lucky for you that is exactly what we are going to be talking about today.


Kandao Raw+ даёт технологии смартфонов профессиональным камерам

Kandao, производитель профессионального уровня 360-градусных камер выпустил новый программный продукт под названием Kandao Raw+. Инструмент был разработан для повышения качества изображения собственных моделей камер Obsidian и QooCam, но он также работает с большинством зеркалок и других устройств, снимающих фото в формате RAW.

