Since learning about what it could do years ago, I've always had an affinity for Ilford FP4 Plus 125, but also understood that it isn't a jack of all trades type of film. Instead, Ilford FP4 125 is what I'd like to call a film that you'd try to shoot high contrast with, but with the knowledge that the shadows are going to be opened up no matter what.
In fact, that's really what this film is all about. You're often encouraged to underexpose it to get more from the highlights and have the shadows be taken care of in the processing. Available in both 35mm and 120 film stocks, Ilford FP4 125 can be really beautiful in the right hands. While I may instead reach for CineStill bwXX for portraits, I've found Ilford FP4 Plus 125 to be best for things like both street and abstract architecture photos. .
2018-7-17 13:00