During a conversation with members of the media. President-elect Donald Trump allegedly voiced his opinion on photo editorial judgement, when he pointedly complained about the use of images that feature his double chin.
The statement supposedly took place on Monday 21 November at a special meeting Trump held with representatives from TV news reporting, including about 25 television executives and anchors. According to a source cited by Politico; in an awkward exchange, Trump turned to NBC News President Deborah Turness and stated that they hadn’t posted nice pictures of him. He followed this up by pushing his face into a position that made a double chin very apparent, saying that Turness’ staff only chose to show “this picture of me. ” Turness responded by explaining that on the NBC website there was currently a “very nice” picture of Trump.
The images used to represent the different presidential candidates undeniably had an affect on the general public’s opinion of them. Over the course of Trump’s campaign, the use of unflattering photos was undeniably the rule rather than the exception for several news media outlets and in there somewhere is a question of ethics.
However, we must equally admit the honest truth of Trump’s appearance. The man does undeniably possess a prominent double chin, which (though normal of someone in his advanced age to possess) is not going to visually disappear unless the photographer shoots downwards from an unbelievably unlikely high position. Trump having a neck pouch is not a shameful trick of photography, it’s basic physiology.
Former Trump campaign manager Kellyanne Conway described the content of the discussion as “. . . very cordial, very genial,” other sources describe it in much more antagonistic terms. Politico’s insider describes Trump’s opening dialogue as calling those present “dishonest media,” while a source cited by the New York Post compared the event to “a f–ing firing squad. ” Considering those testimonials, the real concerns here aren’t about a little extra fat seen around someone’s neck, they’re about the freedom of editorial teams to work freely without fear of governmental recrimination.
. digitalrev.com2016-11-24 03:00