Using Slow Shutter Speeds for Street Photography

Using Slow Shutter Speeds for Street Photography

As with any genre of photography, there is no “one size fits all” solution for exposure in any given situation. There are as many different means of achieving a “look” as there are photographers practicing those methods, and any can be adapted to fit into the kind of photography you want to be doing. Having […]

photography any there

2019-5-4 19:29

photography any → Результатов: 1 / photography any - фото


‘Winning’ Photography (At Any Cost)

I’ve never entered a photo contest. In part because I have a fear of not winning and confronting my own mediocrity. But mostly because I have never viewed photography as sport. Of course, artistic competition exists in all genres from synchronized swimming to classical piano, and photography is no exception. Photo contests can bring prizes […] »

2017-05-01 22:33