Photographer and YouTuber Sean Tucker is back again with another insightful video lesson wherein he takes a nuanced look at composition. In a way few others do, Tucker goes beyond the usual ‘rules of composition,’ imploring you to follow your intuition when framing and capturing a photograph.
The 19-minute video, titled ‘Photography Composition: Thinking Beyond the Rules,’ steps outside the usual discussion of composition, opting instead to look at framing through a more inspired lens — one not bound by and ‘bullied’ by the ‘rules of thirds’ or even ‘leading lines. ’ As is typical of Tucker’s videos, his words are carefully chosen and his lesson astutely crafted, so we’ll let him to do the talking and summarize the video through Tucker’s own words:
‘At the end of the day, photography is creativity before it is science. ’
You can find more of Tucker’s videos on his YouTube channel and check out his work on his Instagram profile and website.
. dpreview.com2021-5-10 17:52