
Viltrox announces four new lenses at CP+

Viltrox announced some new lenses, including one of their 2024 lenses, which will now be available on the Nikon Z mount. They have announced the AF 35mm F1. 2 LAB FE, AF 85mm F1. 4 Pro FE, and AF 50mm F2.

Viltrox Looks Set To Launch a 35mm f1.2 Lens

Nikon just made the headlines with the launch of the Nikon 35mm f1. 2 Z S lens, a bokeh beast by all standards. Lenses like that don't come at a bargain though. With this lens being almost $2800 at the time of launch, it's priced out of reach for almost everyone except the seasoned pro photographer.

Is Viltrox Joining the L-Mount Alliance?

We've often reported how third-party lens manufacturers have been shaping up the industry with cost-effective and sharp lenses. Offerings from Japanese companies like Tamron and Sigma have created a benchmark, but the Chinese third-party lens manufacturers surpass others.

Chinese Lens Makers May Bring the First Third-Party Full-Frame RF Lenses

Since the day the RF mount was announced back in 2018, there have been calls for third-party lenses makers such as SIGMA to move their goods to the new mount from Canon. Unfortunately, Canon has been very closed with the RF mount and shut down early autofocus Rokinon lenses from being sold. The chorus has [...]

The Best Lenses Under $500 of 2023

Hot tip: sometimes, the best lenses aren't very expensive. It has to do with your budget -- and lots of good lens performance can be had super affordably. We've reviewed the most lenses in the real-world of any standing publication.

How Third-Party Chinese Lens Manufacturers are Taking Over

Not so long ago, buying a 3rd party lens from a relatively new brand was often fraught with risks. More often than not, you would receive a unit that would disappoint heavily. At many a time, you could even get a copy that was highly deviant from what you'd expect in terms of average performance.

Canon Needs Third-Party RF Lenses To Tempt New Photographers

The new mounts launched in the full-frame mirrorless boom of 2018 are finally beginning to see third-party autofocus lens options. And yet, as companies like Tamron announce its first Z Mount lens, third-party optics for the Canon RF system remain conspicuously absent.

Under $600: 9 Sony E Mount Prime Lenses We’ve Reviewed and Liked

The other day I was watching a YouTube video where the 'star' proclaimed that they turned down a lens because it wasn't a G Master. "Who wants to use anything less" they scoffed. It's this type of arrogance and elitism that gives the photography community a bad rap.

7 E Mount Primes Under $800 All Sony Users Need to Know About

The library of E Mount primes continues to grow at a rapid pace. Sony shooters can choose from a wide range of glass that goes from dirt cheap to incredibly expensive. While we all want the best, they aren't always within our reach financially, and that's okay.

Under $600: Eight Great Wide Lenses For Landscape Photography

If you want to be able to get out with your camera, and have a quality, affordable, wide angle lens attached to it so that you can partake in landscape photography, this round up is for you. Here we will take a look at eight bang for your buck wide angle lenses that are all capable of producing gorgeous images with amazing color rendering.

