Watch a Scorpion and Its Young Glow Different Colors Under UV Light

Watch a Scorpion and Its Young Glow Different Colors Under UV Light

Did you know that Scorpions glow when you put them under an ultraviolet light? Ecological artist The Butterfly Babe (Sarah Folts) has shared a video showing a mother scorpion with her young gathered on her back and glowing a bright blue and purple under ultraviolet light.

As spotted by Laughing Squid, this fluorescent feature is […].

light under

2021-7-21 18:15

light under → Результатов: 1 / light under - фото


Sparkling Photos of Flowers Glowing Under Intense UV Light

Just when we thought there was no possible way someone could capture flowers in a fresh and unique way, we stumbled across the work of Craig Burrows. Burrows uses a technique called ultraviolet-induced visible fluorescence (UVIVF) to capture flower photos the likes of which we have never seen before. UVIVF as a photography technique is […] »

2017-01-18 22:09