
Reddit is Asking to Use Photos in Ads for Free Without Credit

It’s no secret that Reddit makes huge amounts of ad revenue off content that’s often posted without the copyright owners’ permission. But did you know the company is also asking photographers to use their photos for commercial purposes without any payment… or even credit? Bellingham, Washington-based commercial photographer John Wingfield (@johnwingfield) regularly shoots beautiful photos […]

I Never Shoot Photos for Free, But This is Why I Did

One of the often recurring discussions among professional photographers is whether or not we should ever work for free. I’ve been known to rail against those who do and against clients who request free pictures… so why did I recently waive my own rule? A little background first: I describe myself as a corporate communications […]

Would a Plumber Do Free Work for ‘Exposure’?

Here’s a short comedy sketch that creatively sums up what photographers and other creatives often experience: being asked to do free work in exchange for “exposure.” In the 1.5-minute sketch above, titled “Working for Free,” Irish sketch trio Foil Arms and Hog imagines what the resulting conversation might be like if a plumber were offered […]


The Only 3 Reasons to Work for Free

Working for free has a huge stigma attached to it, and for good reason. If you don’t know how to work for free properly, you can be taken advantage of and devalue other photographers’ work in the process.


87% of UK Freelance Photogs Asked to Work for Free in 2016; 16% Said Yes

The issue of businesses asking photographers to work for free has been a hot issue in recent years, and now we have some citable statistics that shed more light on it. According to a new study in the UK, 87% of photographers were asked to work for free in 2016, and 16% said yes. The […]