Reddit is Asking to Use Photos in Ads for Free Without Credit

It’s no secret that Reddit makes huge amounts of ad revenue off content that’s often posted without the copyright owners’ permission. But did you know the company is also asking photographers to use their photos for commercial purposes without any payment… or even credit? Bellingham, Washington-based commercial photographer John Wingfield (@johnwingfield) regularly shoots beautiful photos […]

without photos

2020-7-1 20:05

without photos → Ðåçóëüòàòîâ: 14 / without photos - ôîòî


Online Photos Can’t Be Used Without Permission, EU Court Rules

A Virginia federal court sparked quite a controversy among photographers last month when it ruled that copying photos found on the Internet is fair use. Now a European Union court has just issued a landmark ruling that states you can’t simply republish a photo because it’s freely accessible online — you need the photographer’s permission […] »

2018-08-08 18:15