These rare mugshots taken in December 1872 show Victorian thieves locked up at Christmas for seemingly trivial crimes such as stealing lumps of coal. [Read More]
petapixel.com2024-12-24 16:35
These rare mugshots taken in December 1872 show Victorian thieves locked up at Christmas for seemingly trivial crimes such as stealing lumps of coal. [Read More]
Stereo images have been part of photography since its invention in the first half of the 19th century. Cameras enabled artists to produce two identical images from very slightly different perspectives -- all that is needed to create convincing "three-dimensional" images. »
2024-05-08 21:51
In February, David Whitcomb discovered an attic full of photographic treasures. Identified as the hidden studio of photographer James Hale, multiple rare photos — including one of Susan B. Anthony — were discovered. »
2021-08-13 21:53
Frederick Douglass is perhaps best known as an abolitionist and intellectual. But he was also the most photographed American of the 19th century. And he encouraged the use of photography to promote social change for Black equality. »
2021-02-27 20:42
Here's a question. What would you think if we told you that time traveling is a real thing? Would you assume that we're joking? Or that we read too many science fiction books? Fair enough. Time traveling is a mysterious concept wrapped in thousands of legends and myths and most of us will probably never figure it out whether it's a real thing or just another creation of the seemingly limitless human imagination. »
2020-06-18 18:57
Craig Murphy does things the old fashioned way. He uses the same methods photographers like Mathew Brady, Alexander Gardner and others used during the Civil War. The upstate NY artist took his tintype photography studio on the road and began photographing Erie Canal locks at locations across New York State. »
2017-06-27 19:13