The estate of late famed photographer Ansel Adams is up for sale at a $5.4 million asking price.
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petapixel.com2023-9-27 23:27
The estate of late famed photographer Ansel Adams is up for sale at a $5.4 million asking price.
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When I think of Ansel Adams, I think about beautiful landscapes, the zone system, and preserving the environment. I would have to say that Ansel Adams and Playboy Magazine are not words I would put into the same sentence, yet here we are. [Read More] petapixel.com »
2022-07-30 17:51
Photar. ru продолжает серию эксклюзивных роликов, посвященных именитым фотографам. Первый ролик о Хельмуте Ньютоне вы можете посмотреть здесь. Сегодня же мы поговорим о классике пейзажной фотографии — знаменитом Анселе Адамсе. photar.ru »
2021-12-10 15:45
Знаменитый фотограф Ansel Adams (Ансель Адамс), которого, к сожалению, уже нет с нами, в очередной раз доказал, что он самый дорогостоящий фотограф в мире. А если быть точным, то его фотографии. Напомню, что американский фотограф, наиболее известен своими чёрно-белыми снимками американского Запада. photar.ru »
2020-12-18 16:02
Marc Silber of Advancing Your Photography just released another insightful conversations with Ansel Adams’ son Michael Adams. This time around, they tackle Ansel’s famous book The Range of Light, his work schedule, education, childhood, and much more. petapixel.com »
2016-10-15 00:29
Advancing Your Photography, the popular YouTube Channel that educates photographers, has recently published a very insightful video on master photographer Ansel Adams and his work of Yosemite & Carmel. thephoblographer.com »
2016-10-14 20:29
We all have a blind spot, both literally and metaphorically. Ansel Adams had one so big and powerful that he, Beaumont Newhall, and a few others “disappeared” some very important and wonderful photographers from the history of photography. petapixel.com »
2016-09-22 22:03
Jeanne Adams is the daughter-in-law of the late and great landscape photographer Ansel Adams, and she served as the head of the Ansel Adams Gallery for 25 years. In the 10-minute interview above, Jeanne talks to Marc Silber of Advancing Your Photography about Ansel’s workshops, teaching styles, and lesser-known portraits. petapixel.com »
2016-08-27 21:30
Ansel Adams' name is synonymous with landscape photography, but a new interview with Adams' daughter-in-law Jeanne reveals more about a lesser known side of his work. The long-time CEO of the Ansel Adams Gallery talks with Advancing Your Photography's Marc Silber, discussing the legendary photographer's portraiture and architectural imagery, and shares some stories of Adams' interactions with his workshop participants. dpreview.com »
2016-08-26 22:17