Против Apple подали иск, в котором утверждается, что iPad стал виновником пожара в целом доме. У планшета были неисправности.
ferra.ru2021-3-28 10:44
Против Apple подали иск, в котором утверждается, что iPad стал виновником пожара в целом доме. У планшета были неисправности.
Apple's iPad Pro (2024) is a marvel of modern technology. Sleek, bright, and thin, it feels like technology we were promised when I was a kid. But for as many times as I stood mouth agape at it, I felt pulled back -- and that's not necessarily entirely on Apple to fix. [Read More] petapixel.com »
2024-05-14 00:00
Apple's newest iPad Pro models incorporate a novel OLED display. Image: Apple At its "Let Loose" event on Tuesday, Apple announced new products, apps, and accessories aimed at content creators and multimedia users. dpreview.com »
2024-05-08 04:28
Apple анонсирован новый iPad Pro на процессоре M2, который ранее мы уже видели в других продуктах компании, и обновлённый iPad с диагональю 10,9 дюйма. prophotos.ru »
2022-10-19 09:07
Apple has announced a set of new iPads including a new iPad Pro powered by the M2 chip. It features a new Apple pencil "hover" experience, ProRes video capture, and support for WiFi 6E. [Read More] petapixel.com »
2022-10-18 20:45
Владельцы продуктов Apple могут отнести свои устройства в Apple Store или к авторизованному поставщику услуг и попросить заменить аккумулятор. Если речь идет о некоторых моделях iPad, то Apple заменяет все устройство, а не только аккумулятор. ferra.ru »
2022-09-28 12:01
Apple is taking the advantage of the M1 chip’s power efficiency and computing ability and is packing it into the iPad. The company says that the new iPad Pro (11-inch and new 12.9-inch) has a giant leap in performance as well as a new mini-LED powered technology it is calling Liquid Retina XDR display. Apple’s […] petapixel.com »
2021-04-20 21:20
Как вы могли заметить, на iPad до сих пор отсутствуют два приложения, которые есть на том же iPhone: "Калькулятор" и "Погода", И вот, спустя около 10 лет со дня выхода первого планшета, Apple наконец-то объяснила, с чем связано отсутствие этих двух приложений в iPad. photorealm.ru »
2020-06-30 18:45
For as long as I can remember, Apple has been touting the power and capabilities of their iPad and have often said that their tablets are bonafide PC replacements. Still, to date, that hasn't materialized. thephoblographer.com »
2020-04-26 01:00
Apple научила iPad Pro автоматически отключать микрофон в неиспользуемое время — когда чехол для планшета закрывает экран. Последние MacBook получили функцию безопасности, которая отключает микрофон на аппаратном уровне всякий раз, когда крышка ноутбука закрывается. photorealm.ru »
2020-04-03 20:18
Today, Apple announced updated MacBook Air, iPad Pro, Mac Mini, and Apple Pencil models at its event in Brooklyn, New York. Both the iPad Pro and the MacBook Air received considerable design changes, including the addition of Touch ID to the latest MacBook Air model and an elimination of the home button from the new 11" and 12. dpreview.com »
2018-10-30 21:04
Компания Appleпредставила шестое поколение планшетов iPad - 9.7-дюймовая модель поступит в продажу по цене, начиная с $329. onfoto.ru »
2018-03-29 21:08
During its event on March 27, Apple introduced its new sixth-generation iPad, a 9. 7" model with a starting price of $329. The new iPad is the first non-Pro model to support Apple Pencil, the maker's own stylus. dpreview.com »
2018-03-29 00:30
At its WWDC 2017 developer conference, Apple has launched a new iPad Pro model with a 10. 5" Retina display to replace the previous 9. 7" version. While the display is approximately 20% larger the 10. dpreview.com »
2017-06-05 22:41
Apple has today announced a new 9. 7" iPad model that is simply called the iPad and replaces the iPad Air 2. Compared to the latter, the A8X processor has been replaced with the A9 chip that is also being used in the iPhone 6s. dpreview.com »
2017-03-21 21:12
Apple today updated its 9.7-inch iPad, featuring a brighter Retina display and improved performance.
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photographyblog.com »2017-03-21 19:00