Backyard Photographer Captures Stunningly Clear Photo of Andromeda Galaxy

Backyard Photographer Captures Stunningly Clear Photo of Andromeda Galaxy

Capturing high-resolution images of celestial objects outside of the Milky Way is usually the preserve of space telescopes such as Hubble or James Webb. But backyard astrophotographer Andrew McCarthy has broken that mold by capturing a 400-megapixel image of the Andromeda Galaxy. [Read More]

backyard photographer captures stunningly clear photo andromeda galaxy

2025-2-21 20:48

backyard photographer → Результатов: 4 / backyard photographer - фото


Photographer Uses Backyard Shed to Shoot Gorgeous Natural Light Portraits

Calgary-based portrait photographer and YouTuber Irene Rudnyk recently put together a photo shoot that’s getting some well-deserved attention. Using just the shed in her backyard and the natural light pouring in, she was able to capture some gorgeous fashion portraits that imitate a popular in-studio lighting setup. Rudnyk says she’s been wanting to put the […] »

2019-08-08 21:25


I Created A ‘Photographer’s Garden’ In My Backyard Because My Life Was Too Busy For Travel

I've long had a dream to be a wildlife and nature photographer skipping around on Antarctic icebergs and snapping exotic species hidden deep in forests. However, when I became a mum I had to face up the fact that I not only didn't have the luxury of traveling to those places, but I often only had an hour or two at difficult times of the day to shoot like in the midday sun. »

2019-02-25 05:30