An AI modeling agency that describes itself as a "photo studio" without cameras, real people, or a physical location has opened its virtual doors. [Read More]
petapixel.com2023-3-10 17:54
An AI modeling agency that describes itself as a "photo studio" without cameras, real people, or a physical location has opened its virtual doors. [Read More]
The photographer Dorothea Lange once famously said “A camera is a device that teaches you to see without a camera. ” I always loved this quotation. Once you get good at shooting, you start to see the world like a photographer — you notice things, you notice light, you look slower, you take pictures in your mind. petapixel.com »
2022-04-18 18:04
It’s not every day that you come across a camera that’s big enough for the photographer to stand in. But that’s what photographer Ross den Otter built for the recent Capture Photography Festival in Vancouver, Canada: he shot portraits from inside a 4x8x8-foot camera obscura. petapixel.com »
2016-12-03 22:05
Skyler Adams is a photographer who uses film photography to fight her self-diagnosed gear acquisition syndrome. She bought a Canon Sure Shot camera while travelling in Japan, and an expired roll of Fujifilm Superia 400 film to go along with it. boredpanda.com »
2016-10-22 19:20
What’s the best deal you’ve ever gotten in a photo gear trade? Whatever it is, it’s probably not better than British photographer John Swannell‘s best trade. He managed to turn a cheap thrift store camera bag into about $42,000. petapixel.com »
2016-08-29 23:20