A month after the first reports came out that a number of RF 70–200mm F2. 8 lenses were having issues with front-focusing, Canon has released a firmware update to address the issue. As promised two weeks ago, firmware version 1.
0. 6 fixes the issue wherein certain units would focus in front of the active AF point, especially at longer focal lengths. The firmware changelog reads:
'Fixed a phenomenon when performing AF shooting to capture a subject at close-range with the focus distance approximately set to the Tele-end (200mm), the image may become slightly front-focused. '
Firmware version 1. 0. 6 is available to download for both macOS and Windows computers. If your lens already has firmware version 1. 0. 6 installed, there’s no need to update. You can check your lens’ firmware in your camera’s menu system.
. dpreview.com2020-1-10 18:59