The Kickstarter crowdfunding campaign for the FilmLab negative scanning smartphone app that we recently wrote about has ended successfully, with more than 2000 backers funding the project almost 200%.
After screening the reader feedback on our original article, FilmLab founder Abe Fettig has also decided to change the pricing model for his app. Instead of a subscription model FilmLab will now be available as a one-off purchase.
The app will be a free install with a limited number of free scans for testing. Once they have run out of free scans users can decide between buying additional scans or upgrading to the FilmLab Pro version which will offer unlimited scans and a range of additional power user features. FilmLab Pro will cost $4. 99 for Kickstarter backers and $29. 99 for everybody else.
In the video below Abe explains the new pricing model in more detail and also provides more information about the current state of the app and its image output. In addition he has written a blog post with side-by-side comparisons between FilmLab captures made with a smartphone camera, and professional film scanners.
2017-6-9 21:12