french photographer → Результатов: 5 / french photographer - фото

French Photographer Takes Pictures Of Street Trash Bins Around The World

Some people collect magnets or some other souvenirs through their travels. This French photographer, who has traveled over 90 countries as of now, collects street litter bins pictures. It started some 15 years ago: a pretty bin, a photograph, and it became a habit: during most her travels, she began photographing litter bins in the streets. »

2020-02-20 11:23


French Photographer R

Renowned french photographer Réhahn has spent 7 years researching the 54 ethnic groups of Vietnam. Some of these groups have as little as 300 members while others have up to one million. The artist has already found 49 of them and has opened a free museum with all the traditional costumes in Hoi An (Central Vietnam). »

2018-02-13 15:11