film emulsion → Результатов: 7 / film emulsion - фото

Why Mastering at Least One Emulsion is a Worthwhile Exercise in Film Photography

It took me a little over seven years of shooting film to come across an unusual idea about the medium: mastering just one emulsion. I say it's unusual because part of film photographers' mission these days is to try as many films available as possible (especially the rare ones now), before they all get killed off (yes, I'm looking at you, Fujifilm). »

2018-08-17 07:00

Why Mastering at Least One Emulsion Is a Worthwhile Exercise in Film Photography

It took me a little over seven years of shooting film to come across an unusual idea about the medium: mastering just one emulsion. I say it's unusual because part of film photographers' mission these days is to try as many films available as possible (especially the rare ones now), before they all get killed off (yes, I'm looking at you, Fujifilm). »

2018-08-17 07:00