Fujifilm, по слухам, работает над новой фотокамерой, которая имеет монохромный сенсор и способна конкурировать с Leica M Monochrom.
dphotoworld.net2020-2-4 07:07
Fujifilm, по слухам, работает над новой фотокамерой, которая имеет монохромный сенсор и способна конкурировать с Leica M Monochrom.
Fujifilm, по слухам, работает над новой фотокамерой, которая имеет монохромный сенсор и способна конкурировать с Leica M Monochrom. Если Fujifilm действительно выпустит монохромную камеру, она, вероятно, будет в корпусе X-Pro или X100, но компания может сделать и что-то уникальное. mx-camera.ru »
2020-02-04 14:40
Fujifilm's Instax Wide format never really got the love that the Instax Mini format did, but with the announcement of the new Fujifilm Instax Wide Monochrome film, photographers are getting another option. thephoblographer.com »
2017-10-31 14:11
The concept of utilizing full monochrome image sensor in a camera was initiated by the Leica M Monochrom, which was popular and highly regarded among black and white photography purists. Maxmax. thephoblographer.com »
2017-02-22 11:03
The Leica M Monochrom is special in the Leica lineup due to the fact that it lacks a color filter, which improves image quality and restricts the camera to shooting black and white. If you’d like a monochrome-only camera but don’t want to shell out $7,450 for the latest Leica M Monochrom, there are now […] petapixel.com »
2017-02-17 22:30
Fujifilm have launched the instax mini film Monochrome, which will be released worldwide in October 2016.
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photographyblog.com »2016-09-10 12:16
Fujifilm just brought its Instax instant film into the world of black-and-white photography with the unveiling of its new Instax Mini Film Monochrome. “The ‘Instax Mini Film Monochrome’ responds to the increasingly sophisticated demands of users,” Fujifilm says, “enabling them to expand the artistic potential of their photographic expression and adding a further dimension of […] petapixel.com »
2016-09-06 19:04
Fujifilm has announced monochrome film for its instax instant cameras and Share printer. It will go on sale worldwide in October, and like the color film, will be sold in cartridges of 10 sheets each. dpreview.com »
2016-09-06 18:37