How to Clean Camera Lens Elements (Don’t Do This One Thing)

I'm sure everyone has done it--cleaning with vinegar, that is. But should you be cleaning your lens with it? The question of how to clean camera lens elements is a big one that causes lots of stress.

What if you wear off the coatings? How much cleaning do you truly need to do? If you're newer to photography or have never done these things, it will be anxiety-inducing. But don't worry, we've talked to tons of pros over the years from various camera companies. But we also know what you shouldn't do. .

how but camera lens

2022-4-6 01:00

how but → Результатов: 2 / how but - фото

An Honest Question: How Much Dynamic Range Do You Really Need?

A question that I've been wondering for many years now is just how much dynamic range photographers truly need. We can geek out about it all day and night, but how far does this go before we get into complete negligence of good picture taking methods? Lots of the magic of landscape photography can happen in post unless you have custom profiles on your camera to get it right then and there. »

2019-10-14 07:00