Private Equity Firm Permira Acquires Squarespace for $7.2 Billion
Private equity company Permira has purchased all available common stock for the website builder Squarespace, ending Squarespace's publicly traded era. [Read More] »
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Private equity company Permira has purchased all available common stock for the website builder Squarespace, ending Squarespace's publicly traded era. [Read More] »
What should have been an innocent school photo has turned into an ugly controversy after families were given the option to edit out disabled students. [Read More] »
Российские учёные обнаружили, что нейросеть лучше человека справляется с прогнозами прибыли фирм »
Toshiba has accepted a buyout offer from Japan Industrial Partners (JIP) and will be going private. The $14 billion transaction will keep the company under Japanese control as it attempts to turn its financial situation around. [Read More] »
Private Equity Firm Lynx has announced that it has acquired Henry's: Canada’s Greatest Camera Store for an undisclosed amount. [Read More] »
Jony Ive and Tim Cook at the September 2018 launch of iPhone XR | Photo provided by Apple Apple has announced that Jonathan ‘Jony’ Ive, Apple's chief design officer, is leaving the company ‘later this year to form an independent design company which will count Apple among its primary clients. »
The private equity firm Apollo Global Management has stuck deals to acquire both Shutterfly and Snapfish. It plans to merge the two photo product retailers to form an even larger combined business. Reuters reports that Apollo has agreed to pay $2. »
Компания Phase One объявила о вупуске Capture One 12, новейшей версии своего программного обеспечения для редактирования изображений и одного из самых популярных в мире RAW-конвертеров. Новая программа оснащена переработанным интерфейсом, обновленным меню, линейными и градиентными масками с помощью нового инструмента Parametric Masking Engine, маскировки яркости, к тому же программистам удалось практически полностью ликвидировать отличия между версиями Mac и Windows. »