Результатов: 11

Т-Bank AI Research представил нейросеть для улучшения работы с текстами

Российские ученые из лаборатории T-Bank AI Research разработали нейросеть ReBased, которая существенно ускоряет обработку длинных текстов и снижает расходы на использование искусственного интеллекта. ferra.ru »

2024-8-17 10:46

Камера Phantom VEO 1310 пишет видео с частотой 14 350 к/с

Американская компания Vision Research выпустила свою новейшую высокоскоростную камеру Phantom VEO 1310. Новая камера, которая является частью надежной линейки Vision Research VEO, способна записывать видео 720p со скоростью до 14350 кадров в секунду! Vision Research сделал ставку именно на частоту кадров, высоким же разрешением новая камера, к сожалению, похвастаться не может. photowebexpo.ru »

2020-2-12 01:41

Research Says Daguerreotype Photos Contain Metallic Nanoparticles

It's been nearly two centuries since Louis Daguerre introduced his daguerreotypes, yet the allure of the early photographic process remains strong as ever. In fact, it intrigued an interdisciplinary team of scientists to conduct research on the unique characteristics of the images produced on silver plates, particularly how they can look slightly different depending on the viewing angle. thephoblographer.com »

2019-6-25 10:00

How to Research Composition (A Lesson by Eric Kim)

I am passionate about composition — to me, it is the root and foundation of all artwork and aesthetics. But how do we improve our own composition? Easy — research compositions from other artists whose work inspires you, deconstruct it, sketch it, break it apart, figure out how it works, then determine how you can integrate it into your own artwork! thephoblographer.com »

2019-6-24 07:00

Adobe Research and UC Berkeley create AI that can find and undo portrait manipulations

Researchers with Adobe Research and UC Berkeley are working together on the development of a method for identifying photo edits made using Photoshop's Face Aware Liquify tool. The work is sponsored by DARPA's MediFor program, which funds researchers who are working to 'level the digital imagery playing field' by developing tech that assesses the 'integrity' of an image. dpreview.com »

2019-6-15 21:13

Research Finds Number of Photo Shoots in LA Increased by 63% in the Past Decade – Here’s Why

Things are bright and sunny over at Los Angeles, California, where the number of photo shoots in LA has increased from 1,925 in 2008 to 3,033 in 2018 – that’s a whopping 63% – despite the average cost of securing to shoot still photos in the city also increasing by 87.4%, or from $353 to $662 in the same period of time. thephoblographer.com »

2018-11-10 20:00