Lomography has announced the impending release of Fant&W ISO 8, a new high-contrast black and white 35mm film stock. The panchromatic film is cut from a roll of German cinematic production film, according to Lomography, who calls it a ‘monochrome masterpiece [that] evokes the theatre in your everyday.
’ As the ISO speed in the film name suggests, this isn’t exactly a high-speed film. So, to help you figure out how best to use it in nearly any 35mm camera system, Lomography has provided this handy exposure and development guide.
Below are a few sample photos provided by Lomography:
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The film is set to start shipping in June 2020, according to Lomography. You can pre-order it now for 20% off, in a 5-pack ($35. 60) or 10-pack ($71. 20). Lomography is also offering ten photographers the chance to test the film before it launches publicly. All that’s required to be considered is to fill out this Google Form.
. dpreview.com2020-3-30 21:47