Lytro has unveiled the Immerge 2. 0, a massive light-field camera rig that looks improves upon the similarly-massive Immerge camera Lytro first introduced in November of 2015. As with the original Immerge, Lytro's new Immerge 2.
0 is designed for high-end VR production, but it utilizes "a few smart tweaks" to boost quality and increase production efficiency. But lets you think "a few small tweaks" is nothing major, Lytro is describing the Immerge 2. 0 as "a major update" to the original. . . so there's that.
Unlike with the original Immerge camera, Immerge 2. 0 is designed with alternating rows of cameras that are pointed in the opposite directions (yes, those are all cameras, not lights). The design enables Immerge 2. 0 to capture 120-degrees of content rather than the previous 90-degrees, reducing the number of camera rotations from five to three when capturing 360-degree content. And operators of the original Immerge will be thrilled to know that the calibration process is now automated.
In addition to its hardware update, Lytro has also been working on improving its software, enabling it to extract higher quality images from the light-field content.
According to Road to VR, which was given an exclusive look at the Immerge 2. 0, Lytro has remastered its previously released video Hallelujah with a higher resolution of 5K per eye (when viewed with a VR headset)—a significant increase over the previous 3. 5K. But they didn't stop there. . .
In fact, with this new hardware and software update, Lytro is ready to offer a 10K-per-eye resolution once VR headsets that can handle that kind of resolution are developed.
. dpreview.com2017-11-30 23:34