Sometimes there is too much going on, in which case simplifying a scene can make it easier on the eye. We can choose to highlight particular shapes or colors and leave out or remove others. [Read More]
petapixel.com2023-8-13 18:00
Sometimes there is too much going on, in which case simplifying a scene can make it easier on the eye. We can choose to highlight particular shapes or colors and leave out or remove others. [Read More]
Часто при съемке в путешествии, пейзажа или натюрморта авторам подсознательно хочется втиснуть в кадр как можно больше привлекательных объектов и предметов, что приводит часто к визуальному загромождению изображений. photowebexpo.ru »
2020-09-01 17:45
When it comes to the minimalist approach in landscape photography, we see a lot of different subjects and subtle variations in style. But the look and feel of the images remain consistent enough for the sub-genre to stand out on its own: heavily atmospheric, minimalist, and dramatic in monochrome. thephoblographer.com »
2018-11-27 17:00
Landscape photography has always been about immersing ourselves in nature's grandeur first, and bringing home photos that serve as a reminder of the experience. It's also the same for freelance photographer and writer Li Ye, who is based in one of the most sought after destinations among photographers: the mystic and majestic Tibet. thephoblographer.com »
2018-08-14 19:00
Belin-based Julian Schulze is clearly a master of minimalism, a feat made all the more eye-catching and impressive when you consider the cultural clutter of our times. If you’ve been looking for minimalist inspiration, look no further. petapixel.com »
2017-04-26 22:52