NASA's Curiosity Mars rover has captured images of sun rays shining through the clouds at sunset, the first time this type of light has ever been observed on the Red Planet. [Read More]
petapixel.com2023-3-8 19:25
NASA's Curiosity Mars rover has captured images of sun rays shining through the clouds at sunset, the first time this type of light has ever been observed on the Red Planet. [Read More]
NASA’s Curiosity Mars rover has captured a new 360-degree panorama that reveals the diverse terrain of Mount Sharp, a crucial part of the planet that plays an integral role in helping scientists study the region and learn more about its history. petapixel.com »
2021-08-23 22:27
While NASA's Perseverance rover has been getting a lot of attention following its arrival on Mars in February, the Curiosity rover is still working on the Martian surface, where it's been since August 2012. dpreview.com »
2021-06-03 23:16
While much recent attention has been given to the latest rover to land on Mars, Perseverance, the Curiosity rover is still working on the red planet. Curiosity has been on Mars for more than 3,000 sols (Martian days) and has captured nearly 800,000 images. dpreview.com »
2021-03-31 23:44
В условиях коронавирусного карантина, все больше специалистов вынуждены работать из дома. Но могли бы вы подумать еще полгода назад, что специалисты NASA возьмутся за управлением марсоходом Curiosity прямо из своих квартир? А ведь именно этим они и занимаются, о чем и говорится в официальном блоге агентства. ferra.ru »
2020-04-16 18:18
On March 4, NASA shared the highest-resolution panoramic Mars image ever captured by its Curiosity rover. The panorama features 1. 8 billion pixels and is comprised of more than 1,000 individual images captured by the rover over the Thanksgiving 2019 holiday break in the US. dpreview.com »
2020-03-09 21:11
NASA’s Curiosity rover has captured a series of photos showing what clouds look like as they float across the sky on Mars. The photos are the clearest images of clouds seen so far by Curiosity since the rover arrived on Mars 5 years ago. petapixel.com »
2017-08-11 22:55
Clouds drift across the sky above a Martian horizon in this photograph captured on July 17, 2017 by the Navcam on NASA's Curiosity Mars rover. Photo: NASA/JPL-Caltech/York University Last month, NASA's Curiosity Rover captured something (appropriately enough) curious in the Martian sky: clouds. dpreview.com »
2017-08-11 19:38