DxO has released version 6 of the Nik Collection photo editing suite of plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom Classic.
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petapixel.com2023-5-16 16:01
DxO has released version 6 of the Nik Collection photo editing suite of plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom Classic.
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Paris (France): DxO Labs, the company that has stood at the forefront of photo editingtechnology for over 20 years, presents the latest edition of Nik Collection, the photo editingsuite of seven premium applications that extend the capabilities of programs such asPhotoshop, Lightroom, Affinity Photo, and DxO PhotoLab. canonrumors.com »
2024-05-06 20:09
I have always loved the Nik Collection, from it’s early days, through the dark Google years and now under the umbrella of DXO. Nik Collection Read more... The post DXO has launched Nik Collection 5, the hugely popular plugins for Photoshop and Lightroom appeared first on Canon Rumors - Your best source for Canon rumors, leaks and gossip. canonrumors.com »
2022-06-16 18:29
DxO has released version 5 of the Nik Collection photo editing suite of plug-ins for Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom Classic. This latest version includes major updates for Color Efex and Analog Efex, as well as improved local adjustment tools, an overall smoother user experience, 29 new film emulations, and a brand new tool to reduce haze. [Read More] petapixel.com »
2022-06-15 16:50
Nik Collection 4. 3 enhances the character of landscape and travel photographs through the addition of 35 nature-inspired pre-sets. photographyblog.com »
2021-12-08 11:00
DxO is back with the most recent iteration of its Nik software, Nik Collection 4. It's lacking the pomp and circumstance of the complete overhaul it got after being acquired from Google. Instead, the revamped Nik Collection 4 is more like a soft crescendo. thephoblographer.com »
2021-06-02 16:00
Nik Software, now part of the DxO family, has existed for an impressive 25 years. To celebrate this major milestone, DxO has announced Nik Collection 3 by DxO version 3. 3, which adds a fitting 25 new presets for Color Efex Pro and Silver Efex Pro. dpreview.com »
2020-11-19 01:00
В честь 25-летия создания плагинов для Adobe Photoshop и Lightroom, а также DxO PhotoLab, Nik Software анонсировала новую версию своих плагинов 3.3, которая включает пакет из 25 новых пресетов для Color Efex Pro и Silver Efex Pro. dphotoworld.net »
2020-11-18 19:06
Компания DxO предлагает приобрести версию пакета плагинов Nik Collection 3 скидкой 30%. Время для принятия решения - до конца сентября.
dphotoworld.net »2020-09-19 06:13
DxO has announced the Nik Collection 3, the latest version its popular plugin suite that brings multiple new features and an entirely new plugin, Perspective Efex. The new Perspective Efex fixes geometric distortion in your images via automatic corrections or manually placed reference lines. dpreview.com »
2020-06-03 17:38
It's been nearly a year since DxO released version 2 of their popular Nik Collection of plugins for Photoshop, Lightroom Classic, and DxO PhotoLab. Today, the French software company is announcing the release of Nik Collection 3. thephoblographer.com »
2020-06-03 16:00
Nik Collection 3 by DxO is a major upgrade to the famous plugin suite for Adobe Photoshop, Lightroom Classic, and DxO PhotoLab. photographyblog.com »
2020-06-03 16:00
DxO have just announced the launch of Nik Collection 2. photographyblog.com »
2020-02-27 16:00
DxO предлагает набор плагинов Nik Collection 2 по специальной цене со скидкой в 30%. 79 € 59,99 € будет стоить обновление для существующих клиентов, а 149 € 99,99 € - для тех, приобретет набор впервые. dphotoworld.net »
2019-12-16 19:06
Компания DxO официально выпустила обновление 2.3 пакета плагинов Nik Collection, которое, в первую очередь, коснулось модуля Silver Efex Pro 2, куда были добавлены ещё 10 пресетов под классические пленки, в результате чего общее количество пресетов составило 48. dphotoworld.net »
2019-12-05 18:24
После приобретения компанией DxO у Google пакета Nik Collection, этот плагин фактически пережил реинкарнацию. Ещё летом был официальный релиз первой независимое версии, которая, в значительной степени, получила наработки от французской компании, а сейчас компания официально выпускает ещё одно обновление. photowebexpo.ru »
2019-12-05 16:02
The Nik Collection very much back from the dead. DxO just announced the release of Nik Collection 2, a major update to the popular plugin suite for Photoshop, Lightroom Classic, and Photoshop Elements. petapixel.com »
2019-06-05 16:58
DxO, компания, предлагающая решения для создания и редактирования изображений, объявила о выпуске новой версии набора плагинов Nik Collection от DxO 2018 v1. 1, это второе обновление набора, предназначенного для фотографов и графиков. fotoexperts.ru »
2018-11-16 17:36
DxO, компания, предлагающая решения для создания и редактирования изображений, объявила о выпуске новой версии набора плагинов Nik Collection от DxO 2018 v1. 1, это второе обновление набора, предназначенного для фотографов и графиков. fotoexperts.ru »
2018-11-16 17:36
DxO has announced the immediate availability of the Nik Collection 2018 by DxO, an updated suite of Adobe Lightroom and Photoshop plugins for photographers and creative professionals. photographyblog.com »
2018-06-06 16:00
The first update of the plugin suite that DxO acquired in late 2017, the Nik Collection 2018 by DxO offers full compatibility with the latest Mac and PC OSs and Adobe CC products, while DxO PhotoLab 1. canonrumors.com »
2018-05-31 18:33
Look alive, Nik Collection fans: the software suite is back from the (mostly) dead. It will change hands from Google to DxO, who will continue to offer it as Photoshop and Lightroom plug-ins, as well as incorporate it into their own software. dpreview.com »
2017-10-25 16:00
Google завоевал уважение и любовь фотографов после того, как сделал бесплатным программный сборник плагинов Nik Collection стоимостью в $150. Всё хорошее однажды заканчивается. Сейчас софтверный гигант заявил, что отказывается от данного продукта. photar.ru »
2017-06-12 18:00
Two days ago Google announced that it will stop providing updates for its Nik Collection suite of plug-in photo editing tools via a banner at the top of the Nik Collection site. Now a Nik user, Sascha Rheker from Germany, has launched a campaign on the Change. dpreview.com »
2017-06-01 21:04
Google will stop providing updates for its Nik Collection suite of plug-in photo editing tools. The 'announcement' comes by way of a banner at the top of the Nik Collection site, stating that there are no plans to update or add features to the Collection. dpreview.com »
2017-05-30 17:48
Google received praise from photographers last year when it made its $150 Nik Collection of popular photo editing software 100% free. But alas, all good things come to an end: Google has quietly announced that it will be abandoning the Nik Collection from here on out. petapixel.com »
2017-05-30 17:12