Nikon Japan says it's discontinuing its ViewNX-2, ViewNX-i, Capture NX2 and Capture NX-D software

Nikon Japan says it's discontinuing its ViewNX-2, ViewNX-i, Capture NX2 and Capture NX-D software

Editor's note: It's unclear at this time whether or not this announcement is globally or limited only to the Japan region. Historically, software announcements from Japan have affected most regions' applications, but we have contacted Nikon for confirmation and a spokesperson has informed us they'll get back to us.

Nikon Japan has announced that on Thursday, June 30, 2022, it will no longer offer downloads for its ViewNX-2, ViewNX-i, Capture NX2 and Capture NX-D software. Instead, Nikon Japan is directing users to its newer suite of apps, including NX Studio, NX Tether, Camera Control Pro 2, Picture Control Utility 2, Webcam Utility and others.

Nikon doesn’t provide a specific reason for this transition, nor it’s timing, but it’s clear the goal is to push Nikon users towards its updated software, which offers improved compatibility with newer computers and updated interfaces that more closely align with programs from Adobe, Affinity, Capture One, Skylum and others.

A promotional image for Nikon's NX Studio editing application.

Even though the download links for ViewNX-2, ViewNX-i, Capture NX2 and Capture NX-D will no longer be on the company’s websites, you’ll likely be able to download the latest versions from third-party websites. Just note Nikon will not be updating these programs past the discontinuation date, which could cause compatibility or security issues down the road.

As for its newer apps, Nikon calls NX Studio ‘The ultimate image-processing suite for Nikon shooters’ and says its NX Tether app ‘Automatically transfer your shots to a laptop or computer for reviewing images, collaborating with production teams and clients and streamlining your workflow. ’ As its name suggests, Camera Control Pro 2 allows you to take remote control of (most) Nikon cameras, including functions ‘like exposure mode, shutter speed and aperture, and access live view from a Mac or PC. ’

A screenshot of Nikon's NX Studio interface.

You can find more information and download links for all of Nikon’s software on the company’s dedicated product page.


nikon capture its japan software

2022-6-7 16:42

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