Now Available for Pre-Order! The new A6500 and RX100m5 at BHphoto, Adorama and Amazon!

You can finally preorder the new A6500 and RX100m5 cameras here: A6500 at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama. In EU at WexUK. PCHstore. RX100m5 at BHphoto, Amazon, Adorama. In EU at WexUK. PCHstore. New Underwater housing for all RX100 cameras at BHphoto, Adorama.


The post Now Available for Pre-Order! The new A6500 and RX100m5 at BHphoto, Adorama and Amazon! appeared first on sonyalpharumors.


bhphoto adorama amazon a6500 rx100m5

2016-10-11 18:00

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