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Olympus E-M10 Mark IV sample gallery updated

$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_9257007880","galleryId":"9257007880","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"selectedImageIndex":0,"isMobile":false}) }); The Olympus E-M10 IV is a well-designed Micro Four Thirds camera aimed at entry-level users and it has a solid JPEG engine for nice images right out of the camera. dpreview.com »

2021-05-14 16:00

Olympus M.Zuiko 12-100mm F4 Pro sample gallery updated

$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_6403402487","galleryId":"6403402487","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"selectedImageIndex":0,"isMobile":false}) }); After perusing some vacation photos and weeping ever so gently for a lost world in which international travel was feasible, I pulled myself together and made some selects to add to our Olympus M. dpreview.com »

2020-10-30 15:00

Olympus E-M5 III sample gallery (DPReview TV)

$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_6440081833","galleryId":"6440081833","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"selectedImageIndex":0,"isMobile":false}) }); This gallery contains additional sample images from the new Olympus E-M5 III, captured while shooting our hands-on preview of the camera for DPReview TV. dpreview.com »

2019-10-22 16:00

Фото: dpreview.com

Olympus E-M1 Mark II real-world samples gallery and Iceland gallery update

Straight-out-of-camera JPEG - check out the Raw processed image in the gallery. Olympus 25mm F1. 2 Pro, ISO 1600, 1/250 sec, F1. 2. Photo by Carey Rose As Olympus' top-end flagship, the OM-D E-M1 Mark II isn't small for a Micro Four Thirds camera, but it's built to be incredibly tough and has room for some impressive technology on the inside and abundant, customizable controls on the outside. dpreview.com »

2016-11-09 12:00