Phase One’s New IQ4 System Serves Up 151-Megapixels

Phase One’s New IQ4 System Serves Up 151-Megapixels

Phase one has announced its latest medium format camera and the IQ4 system is ready to set new standards in high resolution. The system is actually made up of three digital back options; the full-fat IQ4 150MP, the IQ4 Achromatic 150MP and the IQ4 Trichromatic 100MP, with the last option (as its name suggests) serving up ‘just’ 100-megapixels, while the other two options offer the full 151-megapixel experience.

This latest release definitely raises the bar of what is achievable with a medium format camera and moves the system further away from DSLRs, which have recently crept closer to the resolution offered by medium format. Now the IQ4 has triple the resolution of the highest resolution DSLR currently on the market - the Canon 5DS/5DSR.

The IQ4 system will set new standards in high resolution.

Along with the massive hike in resolution, what’s also interesting is Phase One’s decision to include the Capture One editing software directly into the cameras as Phase One explains; “The cutting-edge RAW editing core of Capture One has been directly integrated in the Infinity Platform, providing advanced control within preview and image settings, and opening the door for future customization of the RAW file at the time of capture. ” Phase One also say the benefits of this system include IIQ RAW file "Style" integration, JPEG processing in-camera, improved, image quality and preview performance and improved Live View and faster frame rates.

Check out a video from Phase One showcasing the IQ4 system

The full-frame medium format sensor is 2. 5x bigger than a full-frame 35mm DSLR sensor and offers up to 15-stops of dynamic range. There’s also three ‘future-proof’ tethering options to pick from; Ethernet, USB-C and Wireless.

Obviously, the IQ4 system will appeal to professional photographers at the top of their game and, of course, there is a price-tag to match, with the IQ4 Trichromatic 100MP costing $47,990, and the most expensive option (the IQ4 Achromatic 150MP) costing $54,990. However, whatever your budget, you can check out what these 150-megapixel RAW files look like by downloading a sample from the Phase One website.

Even easier, Phase One has created a clever link that allows you to zoom in and out on sample imagery to get a better idea of the powerful resolution from these cameras.

A sample image from the IQ4 system that can be zoomed in on at the Phase One website. Image by Phase One/Paul Reiffer

What do you think about this epic new release from Phase One?


one iq4 phase system from resolution

2018-8-30 03:00

one iq4 → Результатов: 7 / one iq4 - фото

151-мегапиксельная Phase One XF IQ4

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$(document). ready(function() { SampleGalleryV2({"containerId":"embeddedSampleGallery_5303876064","galleryId":"5303876064","isEmbeddedWidget":true,"selectedImageIndex":0,"isMobile":false}) }); Phase One has announced its new 'Infinity Platform,' which has built the core of the company's Capture One software into the processors of three new XF IQ4 54 x 40mm digital backs. »

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