A photographer has gone viral calling a client on camera to try to get paid for an outstanding invoice.
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petapixel.com2023-9-26 18:00
A photographer has gone viral calling a client on camera to try to get paid for an outstanding invoice.
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When British photographer Mike Lane's car was stolen in October, he also lost a good amount of gear that was inside. Not long after, Lane spotted his tripod -- one item stolen from his car -- for sale on eBay. petapixel.com »
2024-02-01 21:40
Convinced that beautiful editorial photos always require phenomenal sets, elaborate lighting, and a full crew of people? Let Geo Leon prove you wrong. The post Photographer Goes Viral By Showing The 'Behind The Scenes' Of His 'Perfect' Photos (70 New Pics) first appeared on Bored Panda. boredpanda.com »
2022-01-06 15:32
Barcelona-based photographer, filmmaker, and skiier Philipp Klein Herrero was going to go on a ski trip with his family before lockdown hit and they all got stuck inside. But Herrero decided to go skiing anyway… on his living room floor, that is. petapixel.com »
2020-04-07 00:28
After the Seattle Sounders professional soccer team won the 2019 MLS Cup on November 10th, local photographer Chris Fabregas shot a photo of downtown Seattle as the city was celebrating. He then had a brilliant idea: he would send prints to Sounders players as a gift. petapixel.com »
2019-12-18 20:59
January 17th at 6pm EST the next episode of Inside the Photographer’s Mind! Sign up for Free Via our EventBrite. Photography has two sides to it: capturing and creating. Some photographers lean in one direction over the other while others balance the two. thephoblographer.com »
2018-01-11 17:53
A newborn name ''samatva'' poses like old yogi during photoshoot. boredpanda.com »
2017-06-17 21:59