British photographer James Popsys splices together humour and surreal intrigue in a creative project designed to transport your eye toward creative new worlds. The project started three years ago when Popsys was living in London and found it difficult to find truly unique images in his city.
“I soon realised that if I wanted to be original I needed to be imaginative,” he tells DigitalRev.
His images are composited photographs influenced by Erik Johansson’s artistic execution, Banksy’s ability to highlight complex ideas, and Casey Neistat’s inspirational voice on creativity.
With enough of an idea Popsys will proceed with location scouting by using Google maps to find the appropriate shots for his composite. However, when visiting a new place, he will simply take lots of photos and only decide what to do with them later.
“Using more images in a concept is like adding more numbers in a combination lock, you multiply the possibilities. ”
The majority of his work is taken with a Nikon D750 and a Tamron 24-70 f2. 8. because compositing requires the same lighting and exposure to pull off natural results. Popsys says that, “if I have a really strong idea, I’ll wait until I can get all the images myself because it gives me more creative control. ”
While photos such as the elephant in the street were taken by Popsys, there are instances where he’ll uses stock photography when he is unable to travel and capture the needed shot.
When it comes to symmetry and framing the photographer admits that he isn’t very fussed about it. “I want my concepts to be so obvious that they hit you right between the eyes and make you laugh,” says Popsys. Instead, populating blank space is key because, “with an empty building or sprawling field I can always add some kind of ridiculous prop. ”
Popsys is a photographer and marketing consultant who is inspired by big cities such as New York, Tokyo, and Hong Kong. His ultimate goal is to be in a position where he can act on any idea for a concept immediately, whether it is seeking out a necessary piece of kit or flying to a far flung destination to capture a remarkable shot.
To see more of Popsy’s imaginative creations, be sure to check out his website and follow him over on Instagram here.
Title photo: Hotel Hurdling
Images used with permission
. digitalrev.com2016-10-7 03:00