RED Founder Kills Off the Hydrogen Smartphone, Announces Retirement

RED Founder Kills Off the Hydrogen Smartphone, Announces Retirement

Last night, in a short post titled “Everything Changes” on the Red Hydrogen Forums, 70-year-old RED founder Jim Jannard shocked the RED community by announcing both his retirement and the end of the Hydrogen smartphone project.

“I have spent the past 45 years building ‘inventions wrapped in art. ’ Just now turning 70 and having a […].

red hydrogen

2019-10-26 18:55

red hydrogen → Результатов: 19 / red hydrogen - фото


RED quietly removes mention of Hydrogen One modules from website

Initial reviews of RED's Hydrogen One smartphone weren't too favorable but at the time of the device launch one important component of the Hydrogen One eco-system had not been available yet: additional modules that would attach to the back of the device via pogo pins and offer expanded user experiences and features, such as extra battery life, additional storage space, and most importantly, a camera module with lens mount. »

2019-03-12 22:34

RED Hydrogen One – смартфон с уникальными возможностями съёмки

Слухи материализовались во вполне реальное устройство под названием Hydrogen One, которое компания несколько дне назад, до официальной презентации, представила узкому кругу журналистов. Им дали смартфоны в руки и предоставили возможность опробовать их в деле, но технические характеристики, правда, пока не были озвучены. »

2018-05-22 09:16