Initial reviews of RED's Hydrogen One smartphone weren't too favorable but at the time of the device launch one important component of the Hydrogen One eco-system had not been available yet: additional modules that would attach to the back of the device via pogo pins and offer expanded user experiences and features, such as extra battery life, additional storage space, and most importantly, a camera module with lens mount.
However, it now looks like we might have been waiting for the release of those modules in vain as RED has quietly removed all mention of them from its website. This change was spotted on Reddit by user u/ReipasTietokonePoju and kicked off a forum discussion between owners of the device.
Removed section of the RED website
RED eventually issued an official update saying 'We are currently in the middle of radically changing the Hydrogen program. ' According to company founder Jim Jannard, 'A series of obstacles and then new discoveries have given us the opportunity to significantly improve the entire program, not only for Hydrogen but also for RED.
Those changes include a change of leadership - the RED team, lead by Jarred Land, will now be fully in charge of the professional image capture program for Hydrogen - but otherwise the company provides very little detail. More information is promised 'soon,' however.
. dpreview.com2019-3-13 22:34