Компания PhotonsToPhotos опубликовала результаты тестирования сенсора новой фотокамеры Leica SL2
dphotoworld.net2019-12-16 07:18
Компания PhotonsToPhotos опубликовала результаты тестирования сенсора новой фотокамеры Leica SL2
Leica has introduced the Q2, updating its predecessor with a higher resolution full-frame sensor, splash and dust resistance on par with the SL's and an updated OLED viewfinder. The Q2 offers a 47. dpreview.com »
2019-03-07 17:00
Have you ever wondered what's involved when it comes to cleaning a camera sensor? While there are kits available for you to do this at home, it's really not recommended unless you have the utmost confidence in your own hand eye coordination, especially if your dealing with a camera that costs as much as a Leica does. thephoblographer.com »
2019-01-16 20:00
The International Leica Society has posted a video of a camera sensor being cleaned at the Leica service centre in the Wetzlar factory in Germany. The video, taken by member Hari Subramanyam on his iPhone, shows the process of checking for dust on the sensor of his M (Typ 240) and then its removal. dpreview.com »
2019-01-12 16:35
Want to see how Leica does its official digital camera sensor cleanings? Here’s a 20-minute video that steps through the process. Leica Society member Hari Subramanyam shot the video after taking his Leica M (Typ 240) and Leica SL to Leica Camera AG for its sensor cleaning service. petapixel.com »
2019-01-10 20:59
When I originally played with the Leica S2, I was enamored with the Leica S system and it's approach to making medium format more like a standard full frame DSLR. With the Leica S3, the company is continuing that tradition with more or less the same body. thephoblographer.com »
2018-10-09 13:00
The HUAWEI P20 Pro and HUAWEI P20 smartphones have advanced cameras to capture more light, featuring a Leica triple camera and 5x Hybrid Zoom on the HUAWEI P20 Pro, and a Leica dual camera on the HUAWEI P20. photographyblog.com »
2018-03-28 16:00
Leica Camera has expanded its APS-C System product portfolio with a new camera that unites innovative technologies, extremely easy handling and iconic design: the Leica CL. The Leica CL will cost photographyblog.com »
2017-11-21 17:00