$(document). ready(function() { LensWidget({"containerElement":"#reviewLensWidget","allowProductChange":false,"enableKeyboardShortcuts":false,"state":{"lensId":"sigma_85_1p4_dg_hsm_a","cameraId":"nikon_d810","version":"0","view":null,"aperture":null,"focalLength":null}}) }) DxO just published its score for the Nikon mount Sigma 85mm F1.
4 DG HSM A. Drumroll please: it received the highest score ever for a lens on DxO, a 50 when mounted to a D810 and a 51 when mounted to the D800E. What's even more impressive is that it actually scored a perfect 36 P-Mpix for image sharpness on a D810, which has a 36MP sensor.
That's pretty incredible. We know that sharpness isn't everything, but you have to admire the sheer feat of engineering that Sigma was able to accomplish with this lens.
See our Sigma Art 85mm F1. 4
sample gallery
2017-2-2 19:00