Sphere Optics has developed a giant lens capable of turning a DSLR into a 360-degree camera. By pointing it horizontally toward the sky the dome-like lens is able to capture 360-degree visibility without the overly-complicated procedure of stitching together multiple videos in post-production.
Sphere Pro is a 35mm full-frame format, fixed f/8 aperture lens with an optimal focus of 40 inches. Initially designed for the Nikon F mount, the 198mm long lens can also be adapted to fit a wider range of DSLR and mirrorless gear.
It is designed to serve as a practical companion for photographers who need to switch between traditional stills and shooting instantly VR-ready 360-degree clips.
"(sphere) uses a special, patented toroidal mirror with a reflective surface and series of optical elements to capture the full sphere of light around the lens into a disc-like image on the camera sensor. "
Co-founder Rob Englert tells News Shooter, “The Sphere lens allows users who are currently shooting conventional content to quickly and easily shoot immersive content with a low barrier to entry. ”
The 360-degree lens is quite the accomplishment given that the Entaniya Fisheye had us clamouring over it just a few months prior — and that only covered a 250-degree field of view.
Sphere Pro is currently not for available for sale; however, you can rent the kit out for spherical video production by contacting the company here.
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2016-12-28 03:00