When it comes to social media communities for photographers, Instagram is the reigning, undisputed champion today. Prior to Instagram's dominance, the photo-centric social media landscape was a very different place.
The photography social media space was very much like the Wild West back then. Platforms like 500px, Flickr, Google+, and Tumblr were all gunslingers trying to vie for dominance. Some of these platforms had their 15 minutes in the spotlight, managing to foster a community amongst their loyal userbases. Most of them, however, are barely able to hold onto their formal glory today. We've also seen contenders like Daisie, Ello, and Vero pop up throughout the years as well. While they have all been touted to be the next big thing, none of them really gained the traction needed to dethrone the 800-pound gorilla that is Instagram. Despite the growing dissatisfaction with Instagram amongst many photographers, we're doomed to suffer its reign until a viable alternative presents itself. Where did all these competitors go wrong?. thephoblographer.com
2020-7-9 07:00