

Dazzling ‘Fireworks’ Jellyfish Captured by Deep Sea Camera

Researchers onboard the Exploration Vessel (E/V) Nautilus recently captured rare images of a jellyfish that looks like exploding fireworks when it’s illuminated. The Halitrephes maasi jelly was spotted at a depth of 4,000 feet (1,200m) at the Revillagigedo Archipelago off Baja California, Mexico.


The lenses we know are coming in 2018 and the lenses we might see coming

According to BHphoto the new Sony 400mm lens will ship in September 2018 In 2018 we will get a ton of new lenses! Here is the full roundup of what we will get and what we can hope to get: These are the lenses we are 100% sure will be released in 2018: Sony 400mm […] The post The lenses we know are coming in 2018 and the lenses we might see coming appeared first on sonyalpharumors.


The Legendary 1910 Emil Busch Glauker 3.1 is Now on IndieGogo

It has been over 100 years since Emil Busch introduced his Glauker 3.1, which would turn out to be one of the most advanced and important lenses of its era. A huge trend in the global photography lens market these days, thanks to mirrorless mounts making older lens designs easily adaptable to modern cameras, has been updating classic lenses for modern use.


Samsung представит премиальный мобильный процессор Exynos 9 для работы с искусственным интеллектом

Samsung Electronics объявляет о запуске новейшего процессора 9-й серии Exynos 9810, ориентированного на премиальные мобильные устройства. Процессор Exynos 9810, созданный по фирменному 10-нм технологическому процессу FinFET, обеспечит новый уровень производительности смартфонам и другим умным устройствам благодаря мощным ядрам 3-го поколения, быстрому LTE модему и передовым функциям обработки изображений, основанным на технологиях глубинного обучения.

